Gitlab integration

Gitlab integration provides a two-way integration between xltrail and Gitlab ( or your own Gitlab server). This document outlines the steps to configure a Gitlab integration, enabling xltrail to post comments on merge requests.

Comments are generated on opening and updating merge requests. Comments provide a summary of added, deleted and modified workbooks as well as backlinks to xltrail workbook comparisons, allowing users to review and compare workbook changes directly.

The integration provides direct links to workbook comparisons, facilitating easier review and collaboration on Excel workbooks.

Note: xltrail currently supports merge request events only. We are working on supporting more Gitlab events. We will also be providing integration with other Git servers (Github, Bitbucket and Gitea) shortly.

Set up a Gitlab integration

To set up Gitlab integration in xltrail, follow these steps:

  1. In xltrail

  2. Make sure you have a Group API Key (Settings > Integration > API Key > Group API Key)

  3. If you do not have a Group API Key yet, click the "Generate new Group API Key" button
  4. Navigate to to Settings > Integrations > Add an integration > GitLab > Configure
  5. Enter your Gitlab Server Url and your Project or Personal Gitlab Access Token
  6. Click Test to verify Url and Access Token
  7. Click save
  8. xltrail can now send messages to Gitlab
  9. Leave this page open and make note of the Gitlab Webhook details at the top

  10. In Gitlab: Configure a webhook for your repository

  11. Navigate to your Gitlab repository

  12. Click on Settings > Webhooks.
  13. Add a New Webhook:
  14. Click on Add new webhook.
  15. Enter the xltrail Webhook URL and Secret Token (see step 1, last point)
  16. Select Events: Tick the checkbox for Merge request events (or everything)
  17. Save the Webhook
  18. Gitlab can now send a message to xltrail when a merge request occurs.

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